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MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types


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MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types

MySQL supports several storage engines that act as handlers for different table types. MySQL storage engines include both those that handle transaction-safe tables and those that handle non-transaction-safe tables:

1) The MyISAM storage engine
2) The MEMORY (HEAP) storage engine
3) The BDB (BERKELEYDB) storage engine
4) The ISAM storage engine
5) The InnoDB Storage Engine

The original storage engine was ISAM, which managed non-transactional tables. This engine has been replaced by MyISAM and should no longer be used. It is deprecated in MySQL 4.1, and will be removed in MySQL 5.0.
In MySQL 3.23.0, the MyISAM and HEAP storage engines were introduced. MyISAM is an improved replacement for ISAM. The HEAP storage engine provides in-memory tables. The MERGE storage engine was added in MySQL 3.23.25. It allows a collection of identical MyISAM tables to be handled as a single table. All three of these storage engines handle non-transactional tables, and all are included in MySQL by default. Note that the HEAP storage engine now is known as the MEMORY engine.
The InnoDB and BDB storage engines that handle transaction-safe tables were introduced in later versions of MySQL 3.23. Both are available in source distributions as of MySQL 3.23.34a. BDB is included in MySQL-Max binary distributions on those operating systems that support it. InnoDB also is included in MySQL-Max binary distributions for MySQL 3.23. Beginning with MySQL 4.0, InnoDB is included by default in all MySQL binary distributions. In source distributions, you can enable or disable either engine by configuring MySQL as you like.

The MyISAM storage engine

MyISAM is the default storage engine as of MySQL 3.23. It is based on the ISAM code but has many useful extensions.
Each MyISAM table is stored on disk in three files. The files have names that begin with the table name and have an extension to indicate the file type. An `.frm' file stores the table definition. The data file has an `.MYD' (MYData) extension. The index file has an `.MYI' (MYIndex) extension.

Characteristics of MyISAM Tables

The following characteristics of the MyISAM storage engine are improvements over the older ISAM engine:

  • All data values are stored with the low byte first. This makes the data machine and operating system independent. The only requirement for binary portability is that the machine uses two's-complement signed integers (as every machine for the last 20 years has) and IEEE floating-point format (also totally dominant among mainstream machines). The only area of machines that may not support binary compatibility are embedded systems, which sometimes have peculiar processors. There is no big speed penalty for storing data low byte first; the bytes in a table row normally are unaligned and it doesn't take that much more power to read an unaligned byte in order than in reverse order. Also, the code in the server that fetches column values is not time critical compared to other code.

  • Large files (up to 63-bit file length) are supported on file systems and operating systems that support large files.

  • Dynamic-sized rows are much less fragmented when mixing deletes with updates and inserts. This is done by automatically combining adjacent deleted blocks and by extending blocks if the next block is deleted.

  • The maximum number of indexes per table is 64 (32 before MySQL 4.1.2). This can be changed by recompiling. The maximum number of columns per index is 16.

  • The maximum key length is 1000 bytes (500 before MySQL 4.1.2). This can be changed by recompiling. For the case of a key longer than 250 bytes, a larger key block size than the default of 1024 bytes is used.

  • BLOB and TEXT columns can be indexed.

  • NULL values are allowed in indexed columns. This takes 0-1 bytes per key.

  • All numeric key values are stored with the high byte first to allow better index compression.

  • Index files are usually much smaller with MyISAM than with ISAM. This means that MyISAM normally will use less system resources than ISAM, but will need more CPU time when inserting data into a compressed index.

  • When records are inserted in sorted order (as when you are using an AUTO_INCREMENT column), the index tree is split so that the high node only contains one key. This improves space utilization in the index tree.

  • Internal handling of one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table. MyISAM automatically updates this column for INSERT/UPDATE. This makes AUTO_INCREMENT columns faster (at least 10%). Values at the top of the sequence are not reused after being deleted as they are with ISAM. (When an AUTO_INCREMENT column is defined as the last column of a multiple-column index, reuse of deleted values does occur.) The AUTO_INCREMENT value can be reset with ALTER TABLE or myisamchk.

  • If a table doesn't have free blocks in the middle of the data file, you can INSERT new rows into it at the same time that other threads are reading from the table. (These are known as concurrent inserts.) A free block can occur as a result of deleting rows or an update of a dynamic length row with more data than its current contents. When all free blocks are used up (filled in), future inserts become concurrent again.

  • You can put the data file and index file on different directories to get more speed with the DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY table options to CREATE TABLE. As of MySQL 4.1, each character column can have a different character set.

  • There is a flag in the MyISAM index file that indicates whether the table was closed correctly. If mysqld is started with the --myisam-recover option, MyISAM tables are automatically checked (and optionally repaired) when opened if the table wasn't closed properly.

  • myisamchk marks tables as checked if you run it with the --update-state option. myisamchk --fast checks only those tables that don't have this mark.

  • myisamchk --analyze stores statistics for key parts, not only for whole keys as in ISAM.

  • myisampack can pack BLOB and VARCHAR columns; pack_isam cannot.

MyISAM also supports the following features, which MySQL will be able to use in the near future:

  • Support for a true VARCHAR type; a VARCHAR column starts with a length stored in two bytes.

  • Tables with VARCHAR may have fixed or dynamic record length.

  • VARCHAR and CHAR columns may be up to 64KB.

  • A hashed computed index can be used for UNIQUE. This will allow you to have UNIQUE on any combination of columns in a table. (You can't search on a UNIQUE computed index, however.))

The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine

The MEMORY storage engine creates tables with contents that are stored in memory. Before MySQL 4.1, MEMORY tables are called HEAP tables. As of 4.1, HEAP is a synonym for MEMORY, and MEMORY is the preferred term.
Each MEMORY table is associated with one disk file. The filename begins with the table name and has an extension of `.frm' to indicate that it stores the table definition.

Characteristics of MEMORY (HEAP) Tables
  • Space for MEMORY tables is allocated in small blocks. The tables use 100% dynamic hashing (on inserting). No overflow areas and no extra key space are needed. There is no extra space needed for free lists. Deleted rows are put in a linked list and are reused when you insert new data into the table. MEMORY tables also don't have problems with deletes plus inserts, which is common with hashed tables.

  • MEMORY tables allow up to 32 indexes per table, 16 columns per index, and a maximum key length of 500 bytes.

  • You can have non-unique keys in a MEMORY table. (This is an uncommon feature for implementations of hash indexes.)

  • If you have a hash index on a MEMORY table that has a high degree of key duplication (many index entries containing the same value), updates to the table that affect key values and all deletes will be significantly slower. The degree of slowdown is proportional to the degree of duplication (or, inversely proportional to the index cardinality). You can use a BTREE index to avoid this problem.

  • MEMORY tables use a fixed record length format.

  • MEMORY doesn't support BLOB or TEXT columns.

  • MEMORY doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns.

  • Prior to MySQL 4.0.2, MEMORY doesn't support indexes on columns that can contain NULL values.

  • MEMORY tables are shared between all clients (just like any other non-TEMPORARY table).

  • The MEMORY table property that table contents are stored in memory is one that is shared with internal tables that the server creates on the fly while processing queries. However, internal tables also have the property that the server converts them to on-disk tables automatically if they become too large. The size limit is determined by the value of the tmp_table_size system variable. MEMORY tables are not converted to disk tables. To ensure that you don't accidentally do anything foolish, you can set the max_heap_table_size system variable to impose a maximum size on MEMORY tables. For individual tables, you can also specify a MAX_ROWS table option in the CREATE TABLE statement.

  • The server needs enough extra memory to maintain all MEMORY tables that are in use at the same time.

  • To free memory used by a MEMORY table if you no longer require its contents, you should execute DELETE or TRUNCATE TABLE, or else remove the table with DROP TABLE.

  • If you want to populate a MEMORY table when the MySQL server starts, you can use the --init-file option. For example, you can put statements such as INSERT INTO ... SELECT or LOAD DATA INFILE into the file to load the table from some persistent data source.

  • If you are using replication, the master server's MEMORY tables become empty when it is shut down and restarted. However, a slave is not aware that these tables have become empty, so it will return out-of-date content if you select data from them. Beginning with MySQL 4.0.18, when a MEMORY table is used on the master for the first time since the master's startup, a DELETE FROM statement is written to the master's binary log automatically, thus synchronizing the slave to the master again. Note that even with this strategy, the slave still has out-of-date data in the table during the interval between the master's restart and its first use of the table. But if you use the --init-file option to populate the MEMORY table on the master at startup, it ensures that the failing time interval is zero.

The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine

 This storage engine typically is called BDB for short. Support for the BDB storage engine is included in the MySQL source distribution starting from version 3.23.34a and is activated in MySQL-Max binary distributions.
BDB tables may have a greater chance of surviving crashes and are also capable of COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations on transactions. The MySQL source distribution comes with a BDB distribution that has a couple of small patches to make it work more smoothly with MySQL. You can't use a non-patched BDB version with MySQL.

Characteristics of BDB Tables

Each BDB table is stored on disk in two files. The files have names that begin with the table name and have an extension to indicate the file type. An `.frm' file stores the table definition, and a `.db' file contains the table data and indexes.

The BDB storage engine provides transactional tables. The way you use these tables depends on the autocommit mode:
  • If you are running with autocommit enabled (which is the default), changes to BDB tables are committed immediately and cannot be rolled back.

  • If you are running with autocommit disabled, changes do not become permanent until you execute a COMMIT statement. Instead of committing, you can execute ROLLBACK to forget the changes. You can start a transaction with the BEGIN WORK statement to suspend autocommit, or with SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 to disable autocommit explicitly.

  • BDB tables can have up to 31 indexes per table, 16 columns per index, and a maximum key size of 1024 bytes (500 bytes before MySQL 4.0).

  • MySQL requires a PRIMARY KEY in each BDB table so that each row can be uniquely identified. If you don't create one explicitly, MySQL creates and maintains a hidden PRIMARY KEY for you. The hidden key has a length of five bytes and is incremented for each insert attempt.

  • The PRIMARY KEY will be faster than any other index, because the PRIMARY KEY is stored together with the row data. The other indexes are stored as the key data + the PRIMARY KEY, so it's important to keep the PRIMARY KEY as short as possible to save disk space and get better speed. This behavior is similar to that of InnoDB, where shorter primary keys save space not only in the primary index but in secondary indexes as well.

  • If all columns you access in a BDB table are part of the same index or part of the primary key, MySQL can execute the query without having to access the actual row. In a MyISAM table, this can be done only if the columns are part of the same index.

  • Sequential scanning is slower than for MyISAM tables because the data in BDB tables is stored in B-trees and not in a separate data file.

  • Key values are not prefix- or suffix-compressed like key values in MyISAM tables. In other words, key information takes a little more space in BDB tables compared to MyISAM tables.

  • There are often holes in the BDB table to allow you to insert new rows in the middle of the index tree. This makes BDB tables somewhat larger than MyISAM tables.

  • SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_name is slow for BDB tables, because no row count is maintained in the table.

  • The optimizer needs to know the approximate number of rows in the table. MySQL solves this by counting inserts and maintaining this in a separate segment in each BDB table. If you don't issue a lot of DELETE or ROLLBACK statements, this number should be accurate enough for the MySQL optimizer. However, MySQL stores the number only on close, so it may be incorrect if the server terminates unexpectedly. It should not be fatal even if this number is not 100% correct. You can update the row count by using ANALYZE TABLE or OPTIMIZE TABLE.

  • Internal locking in BDB tables is done at the page level.

  • LOCK TABLES works on BDB tables as with other tables. If you don't use LOCK TABLE, MySQL issues an internal multiple-write lock on the table (a lock that doesn't block other writers) to ensure that the table will be properly locked if another thread issues a table lock.

  • To be able to roll back transactions, the BDB storage engine maintains log files. For maximum performance, you can use the --bdb-logdir option to place the BDB logs on a different disk than the one where your databases are located.

  • MySQL performs a checkpoint each time a new BDB log file is started, and removes any BDB log files that are not needed for current transactions. You can also use FLUSH LOGS at any time to checkpoint the Berkeley DB tables. For disaster recovery, you should use table backups plus MySQL's binary log. Warning: If you delete old log files that are still in use, BDB will not be able to do recovery at all and you may lose data if something goes wrong.

  • Applications must always be prepared to handle cases where any change of a BDB table may cause an automatic rollback and any read may fail with a deadlock error.

  • If you get full disk with a BDB table, you will get an error (probably error 28) and the transaction should roll back. This contrasts with MyISAM and ISAM tables, for which mysqld will wait for enough free disk before continuing.

The ISAM Storage Engine

The original storage engine in MySQL was the ISAM engine. It was the only storage engine available until MySQL 3.23, when the improved MyISAM engine was introduced as the default. ISAM now is deprecated. As of MySQL 4.1, it's included in the source but not enabled in binary distributions. It will disappear in MySQL 5.0. Embedded MySQL server versions do not support ISAM tables by default.

Characteristics of ISAM Tables
  • Compressed and fixed-length keys

  • Fixed and dynamic record length

  • 16 indexes per table, with 16 key parts per key

  • Maximum key length 256 bytes (default)

  • Data values are stored in machine format; this is fast, but machine/OS dependent

  • Many of the properties of MyISAM tables are also true for ISAM tables. However, there are also many differences.

The following list describes some of the ways that ISAM is distinct from MyISAM:
  • Not binary portable across OS/platforms.

  • Can't handle tables larger than 4GB.

  • Only supports prefix compression on strings.

  • Smaller (more restrictive) key limits.

  • Dynamic tables become more fragmented.

  • Doesn't support MERGE tables.

  • Tables are checked and repaired with isamchk rather than with myisamchk.

  • Tables are compressed with pack_isam rather than with myisampack.

  • Cannot be used with the BACKUP TABLE or RESTORE TABLE backup-related statements.

  • Cannot be used with the CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, or ANALYZE TABLE table-maintenance statements.

  • No support for full-text searching or spatial data types.

  • No support for multiple character sets per table.

  • Indexes cannot be assigned to specific key caches.

The InnoDB Storage Engine

 InnoDB provides MySQL with a transaction-safe (ACID compliant) storage engine with commit, rollback, and crash recovery capabilities. InnoDB does locking on the row level and also provides an Oracle-style consistent non-locking read in SELECT statements. These features increase multi-user concurrency and performance. There is no need for lock escalation in InnoDB because row-level locks in InnoDB fit in very little space. InnoDB also supports FOREIGN KEY constraints. In SQL queries you can freely mix InnoDB type tables with other table types of MySQL, even within the same query.

InnoDB has been designed for maximum performance when processing large data volumes. Its CPU efficiency is probably not matched by any other disk-based relational database engine.

Fully integrated with MySQL Server, the InnoDB storage engine maintains its own buffer pool for caching data and indexes in main memory. InnoDB stores its tables and indexes in a tablespace, which may consist of several files (or raw disk partitions). This is different from, for example, MyISAM tables where each table is stored using separate files. InnoDB tables can be of any size even on operating systems where file size is limited to 2GB.

InnoDB is included in binary distributions by default as of MySQL 4.0. For information about InnoDB support in MySQL 3.23, see section 16.3 InnoDB in MySQL 3.23.

InnoDB is used in production at numerous large database sites requiring high performance. The famous Internet news site Slashdot.org runs on InnoDB. Mytrix, Inc. stores over 1TB of data in InnoDB, and another site handles an average load of 800 inserts/updates per second in InnoDB.

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