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MySQL certified partner
 Frequently Asked Questions 
You are welcome to about Access2MySQL and we enlighten them in our FAQ section.
 general faq section 

  • What is your version scheme and upgrade policy?

    The version scheme for Access2MySQL is version X.Y.Z

    X is a major version number.

    Y is a minor version number. If a new feature is added, then the minor version number is increased. For example, the addition of new options would necessitate a minor version number increase.

    Z is a micro version number (a bug fix version number). If the new version contains minor changes or bug fixes only, then only the bug fix number is increased.

    The general upgrade policy for Access2MySQL is as follows:

    The Licensee is eligible for free minor and major upgrades within one year from the date of registration. Then the License may be renewed for additional 1-year period by paying a renewal fee to the Licensor.

    All Access2MySQL customers are welcome to update to a newer version. To upgrade your previous Access2MySQL version you should download a new version, reinstall it and apply your registration information.

    The latest Access2MySQL Pro version can be always downloaded from:

    Access2MySQL Sync is available at:

  • Where can I learn more about MySQL and Microsoft Access databases?

    MySQL - You should refer to the online manual pages which can be found at http://www.mysql.com/documentation

    Microsoft Access Database (mdb)

  • Beginner's help - Microsoft Access help reference.
  • Advanced help - MSDN, (Visual Studio Documentation -> Visual Basic Documentation -> Microsoft DAO 3.60)

  • Why should I use Access2MySQL Sync (Pro) tool, not other tools?

    As well as an ultimate ease of using, this can give you an advantage in speed comparing to other similar tools.

    We will soon provide some benchmark results.

    You can also read our White Paper

  • When converting data from MySQL database to MS Acceess a new database file is created in MS Access 2000 format.
    How can I convert my database to MS Access97 format?

  • Create a blank database file in MS Access 97 format.
  • Close this blank database.
  • Specify this database as destination database.

    After the conversion the database will be available in MS Access 97 format.

  • Can I make changes in my source database while running Access2MySQL?

    Any overpatchings in the system during the conversion process are unwanted as it can lead to loss of your data. Before running the program check up that you've made all necessary changes in your source database. Make sure you've saved it.

  • How can I execute the conversion?

    If mysqld gets a packet that is too large or out of order, it assumes that something has gone wrong with the client and closes the connection.

    If you need big queries (for example, if you are working with big BLOB columns), you can increase the query limit by starting mysqld with the -O max_allowed_packet=# option (default 1M). The extra memory is allocated on demand, so mysqld will allocate more memory only when you issue a big query or when mysqld must return a big result row!

    Set value to max_allowed_packet=10485760. If you using MySQLadmin select tab "my.ini Setup" and write max_allowed_packet=10485760 after line [mysqld].

    You will also get a lost connection if you are sending a packet >= 16M if your client is older than 4.0.8 and your server is 4.0.8 and above, or the other way around.

  • What happens if a primary key in Access is the same as in MySQL?

    In the case when a primary key in Access is the same as in MySQL this record won't be added to MySQL because of the similarity of the primary keys in Access and in MySQL otherwise data integrity can be violated.

  • What happens if a record is deleted in Access and the same record was changed in MySQL?

    In the case when some record was changed/deleted in Access this record can not be treated as the same record in source database before changing any more. The new (changed) record and the old record (before overpatching) are interpreted by the program as diverse records. The old record will be added to MySQL once more, if there are no other reasons for preventing it from adding (e.g. if a primary key in Access is the same as in MySQL).

  • I have an error that selected collating sequence is not supported by the operation system. How can I fix this problem?

    One of the following conditions is true:

  • You are trying to open a database or an object in a database that was created in another language edition of Microsoft Access.
  • You are trying to open a database that was created or compacted while the New Database Sort Order was set to a value other than General.

    To check the settings of the New Database Sort Order, follow these steps:
    Open an existing database that was not created or compacted while the Sort Order was set to a value other than General. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the General tab. Make sure that the New Database Sort Order is set to General and then click OK.

    If you are receiving the errors and setting the New Database Sort Order back to General does not resolve the problem do:
    On the Tools menu select Database Utilities, and then click Compact and Repair Database.

  • Why the date "0000-00-00" in MySQL table was converted into MS Access as "December 30, 1899"?

    MS Access has date limits, all MySQL dates less than "January 01, 100", are replaced with date of "December 30, 1899" in MS Access.

  • I have a table with a long name in my Access database, that is always shortened by convertation into MySQL. Why is it so?

    There are some MySQL limits. They are listed in the following table.

    See http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Legal_names.html

    Identifier Max length Allowed characters
    Database 64 Any character that is allowed in a directory name except "/" , "\" or "."
    Table 64 Any character that is allowed in a file name, except "/" or "."
    Column 64 All characters
    Alias 255 All characters

  • After conversion date formatting of "mm/dd/yyyy" is replaced with "yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00". Do you know of a way that I can retain the mm/dd/yyyy format after converting my base to MySQL?

    The problem you described is caused by the MySQL server settings configuration. You can use in your queries DATE_FORMAT () function to modify date according your requirements. Additional info and documentation about this function you can find in MySQL server Manual.

 Access2MySQL Sync 

  • How can I synchronize databases?

    In "Choose Appropriate Options" window

    select the mode you want to use "Synchronize" copy or "Copy Data".

  • if you choose "Copy Data" your source base data will be wholly copied to destination database.
  • if you choose "Synchronize" the copying will be done with the check for existence of the identical record in destination database and this fact will be marked in report.
  • such records won't be copied from source database to destination database.

    Enter all special symbols, for example " ' " \ : / *  - + " in the field "Garbage symbols to remove/replace" and replace it with " _ ".

  • What options I can apply using Access2MySQL Sync?

    The following options are available at "Choose Appropriate Options" stage:

  • Copy only structure - if set, only database structure will be copied to the destination database. No actual data copying will be performed.
  • Overwrite existing database - If a database being copied already exists, this option specifies whether it will be overwritten (this will cause all data in it to be lost) or it will be modified according to the next option.
  • Overwrite existing tables - (available only if the previous option is not checked) - if a table being copied already exists, this option specifies whether it will be overwritten (this will cause all data in it to be lost) or it will be modified according to the next option.
  • Overwrite existing fields - (available only if the previous option is not checked) - if a field being copied already exists, this option specifies whether it will be overwritten (this will cause all data in it to be lost) or it will be modified according to the next option.
  • Modify fields - (available only if the previous option is not checked) - if a field being copied already exists, this option specifies whether it will be modified, or stay untouched.
  • Check for copies - when identical record is found in destination base copy mark this fact in report.
 Access2MySQL Pro 

  • How can I specify the tables to be processed?

    In "Choose Appropriate Options" window

  • Enter all special symbols, for example " ' " \ : / *  - + " in the field "Garbage symbols to remove/replace". Don't forget "  "  ("blank"). Replace them with  "_".
  • Select the source database's tables you want to copy. The list of source database's tables is displayed in the left pane and the destination database's list is in the right one.
  • Click "Add" button to move the selected source database tables to destination database tables. You may delete the added table by pressing "Remove" button in case of need.

    When you add a table it is moved to the right list, if its name is not correct, the following dialog is shown up: "Warning: not valid table name" with an offer to replace table name.

    Leave the name offered or input your own one. Click "OK" button.

  • I can't connect to MySQL server. How can I solve the problem?

    If you are using Virtual Server hosting you probably have no sufficient privileges to create new databases on the target MySQL server. For this case we recommend the following approach:

  • Ask your Virtual Server administrator to create blank database for you
  • Run Access2MySQL Pro and select this database as the conversion destination
  • Check option to overwrite existing MySQL database

    When you complete these steps, the entire contents of the source MS Access database will be imported into the specified MySQL database.

    Access2MySQL Pro gives you an opportunity to get round the interdictions caused by the problem of direct access to your MySQL server. (In the case you have no sufficient privileges to create new databases on the target MySQL server). You can do it through storing your data in dump file as the best way to present deferred conversion and gain more control over the conversion process. The program fixes the contents of the source database into a local dump file instead of sending it to MySQL server directly. The destination file will consist of MySQL statements to create all tables and to fill them with the data. Using this dump file MySQL server administrator will add data to your MySQL base.

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